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To the kindest - helping is a habit, but to the noblest - helping is an addiction says the great Indian scriptures. Seek your deliverance from the ennoblement of the society says Buddha. The noblest is the one who lits the lamp of knowledge in the darkness of innocence says Tagore. If all these greatest sayings are to match – there should be a matchless one in the order of giving oneself to the poor. Vemireddy Prabhakar Reddy stands tall in that order to show his innate charity and kindness to come to the true emancipation of the poor.

Vemireddy Prabhakar Reddy Foundation (VPR Foundation) started in 2015 at Nellore, Andhra Pradesh; is a service-oriented institute and the brainchild of Sri Vemireddy Prabhakar Reddy garu, a self-giving man who strives for the good of the society and to lead every change for the better. VPR Foundation, right from its takeoff came up with path-breaking service activities and welfare measures to the poor that are never-trodden nor even given thought of by any organization hitherto. The Foundation is to crest Sri Vemireddy Prabhakar Reddy’s various charitable and philanthropic activities to be taken to the next level to reach larger masses of the needy and the poor. A philanthropist in his own right and with a far sight to bring change in the society by uplifting the poor – many of the charitable and kindlier activities of Sri Vemireddy Prabhakar Reddy have been unsung because of his unassuming nature.


  • Envisions for a world of equal opportunities to all and reaching those at the margins in shaping their future with power and confidence.
  • To nurture a generation with a golden mean of spiritual alacrity and cultural awareness to rise up to be socially and globally responsible.
  • To affect social change among the less privileged through education, and knowledge to realize their self-trust.


  • To serve the poorer classes at the wider base of social pyramid y providing them preferential and classy opportunities of education, health and imparting the efficacy of spiritual elevation.
  • To inspire ways to celebrate the happiness of being human and the joy of living by sharing and caring through simplifying the art of living.
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VPR Vidya

Rather than a scepter and a wand, give the masses the power of the word goes a famous saying. VPR Vidya aims at balancing the counter-debates of knowledge-empowerment and skill development, while promoting elitism in education. Education is not just the power but it is the living manifestation of character in human beings. VPR Foundation, in this direction, had made formidable steps in offering free education to the poor...

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VPR Vaidyam

VPR Vaidyam The warm heart of Sri Vemireddy throbs for the poor and the deprived. As is his avowed practice to extend all help unsung, Vemireddy has donated large sums of money to help people with dreadful diseases. A widening list of charitable activities bears its torch to show the magnanimity and his colossal heights of humanity in its humbleness. While being the Secretary to the Tamilnadu Spastic Society, Chennai; he has been of immense...

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Total Projects Done

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VPR Vikas

VPR Vikas, the closest and most endearing to the philosophy and the overall human development sketch of Sri Vemireddy Prabhakar Reddy, is to work for rural development and improve the human development index of the villages. The main objective is to provide basic human amenities like safe-drinking water, which after several efforts by successive governments could not be achieved, because of communal non-participation, and human apathy. ...

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VPR Chintan

Respecting the elderly is the beginning of the belief in God’s eternal creation. VPR Foundation believes that elderly people in old age has to celebrate the luxury of leisure in more ways of recognizing their proud ownership of the boundless love and timeless experience to lead the generations next. VPR Vaathsalyam houses the elderly people prepared to relive their bounty in sharing their experience and caring with love...

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