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Welfare Activities

Known for service and welfare to rejuvenate lives and kindling the hope of trust in mankind, VPR Foundation, time and again has proven itself in extending several welfare activities to the downtrodden and marginalized sections. The Foundation always is bent on reaching out to the minority sections and people who need help whether they are young, old, rural or urban poor. But the common objective is to provide assurance that the helping hand of the Foundation is always extended to those who really are in want of basic amenities and the essential services that people of poor parity are in need of.

VPR Foundation on its own, and as its endearing principle has introduced several welfare activities to provide essential simplicities for the rural and urban poor alike. The welfare measure are a great leap and kindled the hope in the under privileged sections. The mineral water plants, distribution of blankets in times of calamities, rushing to extend a helping hand to people hit by natural disasters, encouraging sportsmanship in the rural youth are some of the welfare activities that have actively been undertaken in the recent past.