Smt. Prashanthi Reddy following the trodden path of her husband never let her activities sound high, as she is a social worker with a strong belief in the self-reliance of women. Especially, the women of poor sections, their struggle for their livelihood and better living is at the core of her services, as Smt. Prashanthi Reddy offers excellent venues of skill enhancement and development for these needy sections to stand financially free and live life with pride and self-respect.
A severally accomplished woman, Smt. Prashanthi Reddy has been striving for the cause of women empowerment and independent financial standing for the poor and downtrodden women in her own right. She in her right conducts several workshops for occupational skills in needle-work, tailoring, dyeing, garment-designing, and muggam work, for the abused women, who are financially needy and meted out with violence by their husbands.
The wise advisor and enterprising manager, Smt. Prashanthi Reddy, is known for her unstinted support in all the philanthropic and selfless activities of Sri Vemireddy Prabhakar Reddy garu.